неділя, 13 грудня 2015 р.

For the group 3cop!!! Do the necessary tasks while watching the following video!!!!

Write down into your copybooks all the components of motherboard given in the video. Then answer the questions given below.
- What external devices can you plug in to back panel connectors and ports?
- What ports does a back panel contain?
- What expansion cards can we connect to PCI Express х1 slots?
- How is Northbridge also called?
- What information concerning Northbridge is mentioned in this video?
- What does the CPU socket or the CPU slot provide?
- Is the CPU installed into motherboard with or without soldering?
- How is Southbridge also called?
- What do SATA connectors connect?
- What is CMOS battery for?

For the group 3cop!!! Presentation!!!

Be ready to tell everything you know about motherboard and its components. Remember all necessary definitions and lexical material for it.

неділя, 8 листопада 2015 р.

For the group 2cop!!! Learn the theme "Application software" on Wednesday, the 11th of November.

Learn the following words in English.
Прикладна програма, текстовий редактор, графічний редактор,  табличний редактор,  відеоредактор,  програми для роботи з базами даних,  редактор веб-сторінок, настільна видавнича система,  програми презентації.
Try to know the translation of the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian.
trimming, transitions, cutting segments, re-sequencing clips, signage, newsletters, brochures, business cards, letterhead, greeting cards, packaging.

For the group 3cop!!! Be ready with themes "BIOS", "Processors. Motherboards" on Tuesday, the 10th of November.

Learn the words.
processor frequency  - частота процесора
a core - ядро
a manufacturer - виробник
a mediator - посередник
settings - налаштування, параметри
default settings - стандартні налаштування
general settings - загальні налаштування
advanced settings - розширені налаштування
to configure - налаштовувати
to be inserted - бути розміщеним, бути вбудованим
expansion cards  - карти розширення
cache memory - кеш-пам'ять
back panel - задня панель
power settings - параметри живлення
power-saving modes - режими електрозбереження

середа, 14 жовтня 2015 р.

For the group 2cop! Learn these words in English!!! You must know how to spell them.

Утиліт, внутрішні команди, папка, панель задач, згорнути вікно, однокористувацькі операційні системи, видалити, перейменувати, форматування диску, драйвер, зовнішні команди, підпапка, розгорнути вікно, багатозадачні операційні системи, зберегти як, переглянути, повторне форматування диску, інсталяція програм, робочий стіл, меню, діалогічне вікно, редагувати, вставити, однозадачні операційні системи, діагностика диску, дефрагментація.
 Also you must know the answers to these questions.
  What is a driver?
                         What is a file system?
  What operating systems are used today? 
    What are the objects of OS?
  What is a utility? 

    What is an operating system? 
     What operating systems are not used today? 
      What are the elements of OS interface?
   What is disk formatting? 
      What is a computer file?
      What operating systems are the most widespread today? 
       What is the difference between external commands and internal ones?


субота, 3 жовтня 2015 р.

For the group 3cop!!! On Monday, the 5th of October!!! Prepare the following...


Themes “Classifications of computers”, “Main and peripheral devices of PC”, “Components of a computer case”
   1)  Pronunciation, translation and definitions of the following words.
A computer, a general purpose computer, a special purpose computer, a dedicated computer, a tower case, a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, headphones, microphone, a printer, a scanner, speakers, a modem, a power supply, a video card, a sound card, a motherboard, HDD, NIC, RAM, CPU,
an optical drive, a card reader.
     2)     Pronunciation and translation of the next words and word-combinations.
External, internal, execution, to interact, an additional device, stand-alone, to record, to amplify, digital, circuitry, installed, integrated, built-in, embedded, to perform, temporary storage, permanent storage, a circuit board,
 to maintain PC , maintenance of PC, to share information, amounts of data.
     3)   To know the information about:
a)     classification of computers according to size and the sphere they are used in, main characteristics of these types of computers;
b)    main and peripheral devices (difference between them).