неділя, 11 вересня 2016 р.

Hometask for the group 4cop! On Tuesday, the 13th of September!

Watch  the given video and find the answers to the following questions! Write down the answers into your copybooks! 

(Watching the video about main frames)
Describe main frames.
Where are they used?
How do they organize and share information?
 What is a server?  
 What is an advantage of a mainframe computer?
Do all businesses use them?  Why?
What is the purpose of this computer?  
(Watching the video about mini computers)
What is their size like?
 Are they smaller and cheaper than super computers and mainframes? 
 Are they powerful enough?
Where can we find them? 
 How are they called? 
What are their advantages?

(Watching the video about microcomputers)
What does the word “micro” mean?
 What are the examples of microcomputers?
 Where can they be found? 
 What are they used for?
What are the advantages of them?

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