середа, 1 листопада 2017 р.

For the group 5cop! On Friday, the 3rd of November!

Follow this plan preparing for the written work!
1) Theme "BIOS"
- What is BIOS? Hardware, Sofrware BIOS (explanations)
- BIOS versions
- BIOS setting
- Sections of BIOS  (what are they, what are they for)?
- POST (meaning, definition)

2) Theme "Data Storage Devices"
 - the division of storage devices
 - HDD definition
 - blocks of HDD
 - logical structure of HDD
 - HDD division into logical parts
 - Components of mechanical block
 - SDD, difference from HDD
Know the words (platter - пластина, actuator - силовой привод (коромысло), actuator arm - рычаг привода, actuator axis - ось, вал привода,  head - головка чтения, записи, spindle - шпиндель, ось, jumper block - блок настраеваемых перемычек, power connector - разъем питания, IDE connector - интерфейсный разъем).

3) Theme "Chipset"               Chipset (use it while preparing)
 - What is a chipset? What does it consist of? What are they for?
 - What is an adapter? Kinds of adapters, difference between them.
 - A bus, a connector, a port.
 - Connectors for the expansion cards, ports on the back panel (revise).

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